April at Dive Bar 2024 Newsletter & Happenings

Happy April from your local 5-star Dive Bar! You know what April means? It means the back patio will be open, and IS on those nice days we’ve been getting!
Our official Patio Launch Party is on Friday April 12th with live music by Jim Quisenberry and C-Rock City! You don’t want to miss this one.
Check out what’s happening on the 17th with a special celebrity bartender!

Click into the Facebook event to learn more: CLICK HERE

Dive Bar Whiskey Club – Monday, April 22nd
Kick off April right by securing your tickets to this month’s Whiskey Club! We will taste and learn about 5 different spirits and a scrumptious dinner will be provided! This club welcomes whiskey or whisky enthusiasts new and seasoned. Enjoy learning about each spirit, sipping on it and making new like-minded friends. This is a great adventure for a date night or gather the troops for a group rendezvous. Click the button below to get tickets to future Whiskey Clubs or visit our website anytime.

Welcome to Patio Season
Join us as we celebrate the beginning of our patio season with live music by Jim Quisenberry & C-Rock City! The party starts at 5pm and there’s no cover charge.

The next Como Song Swap is Tuesday, April 9th
Did you know The Como Song Swap was formed by Columbia musicians? It started during covid when venues were not booking larger bands. Many of these musicians were left with an empty schedule and an endless amount of time to write new songs. The Como Song Swap was brought to life to offer new and seasoned musicians a place to showcase their original music, but also not in a typical open mic setting. What makes The Como Song Swap unique is two musicians are paired together and they swap their songs on stage for one hour. There are three rounds of this during each show. Dive Bar became the weekly home for The Como Song Swap, offering an oasis for musicians and fans alike. No two shows are ever the same. If you are looking for a listening room type experience in Columbia, Missouri, join us on April 9th!

Maddie Warren Saturday, April 13th
Singer-songwriter Maddi Warren is a gritty performer with a sound that captures her Ozarks roots…
Singer/songwriter Maddi Warren grew up in Blue Eye, Missouri, a small town nestled in the Ozark Mountains. Growing up in a remote location, Maddi had to find ways to occupy her time, and music became her passion. She began writing and performing at the young age of 15. Her roots and experiences have molded her style/songs into what has been described as gritty, mountain, and soulful.
Over the years Maddi has performed with a host of musicians, one of her most influential projects being Madison Avenue. This was the duo Maddi performed alongside drummer Dan Stricker. They played together for several years all over Missouri and Arkansas.
During this time Maddi continued to write and work on originals. She also started playing a few solo shows. This sparked the interest of her sister, Alli Butler, and together they formed an acoustic duo. The duo has seen great success playing shows across the US from the riverbanks of the Mississippi to the east coast. They finished up a western tour in July 2023, playing shows from Missouri to Montana.

Justin Moyar – In addition to Steak Night –
Justin is passionate about the content of his shows, striving to connect with his audience through thoughtful story telling and creative instrumentation. Opening up for noteworthy musicians such as Bernie Worrell (Parliament, Talking Heads) Baby Gramps, Jim Donovan and Michael Glabicki (Rusted Root) Jim Avett, Jack Russell (Great White), Greg Garing and others, his music has received praise from some of the industry’s? finest.
Justin Moyar presents a unique one man blues band experience. Combined with soul shredding harmonica solos and great songwriting, he creates an engaging and fun show.

Ty Toomsen Friday, April 26th at 5pm

Visit our website or follow our Facebook page to stay up to date on concerts and events happening at Dive Bar.
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Tuesday, April 16th at 6:30pm
Megan Steinlage has been leading a Paint & Sip Night here at Dive Bar each month. We have decided on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, and it begins at 6:30pm. You can go to www.PaintingOnTheRocks.org for tickets and other community events or stay tuned for the link coming soon. You’ll get step by step instructions on completing a 16×20″ canvas painting of that month’s theme. AND you get to drink! Woo hoo!

Check out our featured foods and cocktails this month! If you haven’t tried a Moscow Mule with some of our house-infused vodka yet, we recommend it! Same price as Tito’s!

Excited? Click HERE to view our menu and check out our operating hours!

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